2021 Simola Hillclimb - Wrap-up Video

If you have even the faintest trace of petrol in your veins, chances are you will thoroughly, and we mean thoroughly, enjoy the Knysna Speed Festival, commonly known as the Simola Hillclimb.

Staged once a year over a 1.9km course in one of South Africa's prettiest cities, the road course climbs steeply from sea level into the Knysna hills, and provides a challenging and dramatic sprint course which attracts some of the best drivers and most incredible cars in South Africa - many built specifically for this event.

Some of the field includes:

1989 Minardi Cosworth Formula 1

Gould GR55

A1 GP Ferrari

Ferrari 488 Lotus Exige engine swap

Nissan GTR R35 Lotus Exige engine swap

V12 Toyota Hilux

Chevron B26 Hayabusa V8 ...and countless other special vehicles.

This year, our video guy Ciro De Siena served on the live commentary feed which we carried all weekend on the channel, but if you missed it, this video is a great summary of the event. For more information visit www.speedfestival.co.za


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