There might be only a single water-cooled 911 in his collection, but as for the rest it is Eddie Assad’s passion for Porsche’s earliest model that is most evident.
Words: Wilhelm Lutjeharms
A modern Ford Mustang might be parked outside, but once Eddie Assad opens the garage doors, there are only Porsches. Apart from three 911s, I’m in no doubt that his true love is for Porsche’s earliest model range, the 356.
It started with the magenta-coloured 1974 2,7-litre (MFI) 911 Carrera which he bought in the UK and which was the actual Earl’s Court Motor Show car. “At the time I test drove all the Italian exotics, but then a friend said I should go and drive a Porsche 911. I wasn’t really interested in them. However, once I test drove one I couldn’t believe a car could go like this and I realised that this was my type of car.”
The bright '70s colour of the Carrera and how it happened that his car is finished in this colour is a story of its own! It was during his years in London that Eddie and a number of friends drove their cars all over the UK, and across to Europe. It was not all about performance cars though...
Eddie purchased what is commonly referred to as a banger when he arrived in London. “I bought an old Ford Cortina for £20. You could drive it anywhere, climb pavements and I loaned it to every South African that visited us.” But upon his return to South Africa his focus turned to the rounded lines of the compact 356.
“My first 356 was a red 1963 B Cabriolet which I bought around 1986. I thought it would be a nice car to own and after experiencing it for a number of years, I grew to like them more and more. I started tinkering on them on my own and learning about them.”
The restorations that Eddie have completed have been done with the help of a number of specialists: “I have a good guy that does the body, another that does the interior and then a final builder that does the engine and gearbox. I put it all back together and then do the easy jobs.”
Eddie Assad studied dentistry before specialising as an orthodontist. Working in the UK for a few years in the '70s, he was able to visit numerous track events and also attended Le Mans. These days he is still practicing, but makes sure he has enough time to tend to his cars as well. He has restored no fewer than three cars, while there is still another one, a rare 1951 split-window, pre-A model, in line for a full restoration. It stood outside for what looks like decades while the front part of the car is completely loose.
Standing next to it, it is hard to believe that in a couple of years’ time it will be on the road – Eddie eagerly share with me the parts he has already acquired for this project. Even though he regards himself as a purist, there is one car that Eddie decided he wanted to put his own stamp on. “With this 356 I decided I wanted to add a few semi-Outlaw elements. It doesn’t feature any bumpers and I added a metallic tint to its original aquamarine colour.”
It is evident that most of Eddie’s cars have either been fully restored or have received a serious amount work. It is interesting to hear how Eddie acquired a number of his cars. “It is often through fellow enthusiasts that share information about where they’ve spotted a car. But, even so it is often timing, being at the right place at the right time.” It is owing to these enthusiasts and the club that Eddie is able to source parts and information to help him and the specialists restore these cars.
In his garage there is also lots of memorabilia which includes period photos of his time in the UK, cars he has previously owned and several trophies from concours and autocross events. A small workshop with the basic tools can be found in the corner.
A more recent addition is the bright 356 which is a complete custom project, as it is made up of 356s which couldn’t be restored back to original. As an oddity, taking into consideration the cars in the collection, Eddie’s daily drive is a modern Ford Mustang. But, if he has to keep only one car in the collection, it doesn’t come as a surprise that it is the 2,7 MFI Carrera that he would keep; “Purely because it was my first Porsche, it is unbelievably reliable and it drives beautifully.”
Maintaining such a collection is no easy task and takes a lot of time. Eddie says that if one car must go it will possibly be the 996 GT3. I can sense, understandably, that these older beauties are the ones that are closest to his heart.