Classic Car News and Drives
ROAD TRIP: Modern Classic Mercedes-AMG SL65
An extensive road trip and an early morning drive through the Karoo at the wheel of the musclebound SL65 yielded a number of memorable experience...
CLASSIC DRIVE: Long-Legged Mercedes-Benz 280SL "Pagoda"
We track done a very neat Mercedes-Benz 280SL that has been meticulously maintained its entire life, and which has a trick up its sleeve...
Mercedes-Benz R107 vs C107: Classic Comparison
With perfectly formed roads sweeping high up from George and offering much to the keen driver, Mercedes’ 107-series coupé and roadster make ideal...
CLASSIC DRIVE: Pagoda vs Mechatronik Pagoda
We go for a cruise in two stunning Pagodas, both which left the factory in 1969. However, one of them is rather different today compared with what...
Mechatronik's Mega C107 Project
As most modern cars become appliances (albeit very good ones) and the push continues for the end of ICE (internal combustion engine) cars, the sca...
CLASSIC DRIVE: Mercedes-Benz R107 SL & R231 SL
Separated by over 30 years, can the R107 500SL’s genteel character hold a candle to the modern (classic?) R231 SL500’s thumping brawn?
Words: Wilh...
Owner's tips & advice: Mercedes-Benz 280 SL "Pagoda"
In this new series we chat with local classic car owners about the cars they own, and to share their experiences and advice on the machines they c...
Remembering the monstrous Mercedes-Benz SL 73 AMG
Before powerful AMG variants of just about every Mercedes-Benz line was commonplace, the two companies partnered to develop a beastly, and very ra...